PSY 632 PSY632 10-1 Discussion- Typical vs. Atypical Development.docx- Snhu


PSY 632 PSY632 10-1 Discussion- Typical vs. Atypical Development.docx- Snhu

Throughout this course, we have explored different aspects of development, and research has presented a variety of influences in the form of biological, social, emotional, and cognitive domains. At the end of nearly every chapter reading, a holistic position began to emerge that acknowledges the contribution by each domain. In our final discussion, reflect on whether a holistic approach is just as effective for accounting for atypical development as it is for typical development. Utilize examples from the course to support your position, or consider using an issue of atypical development to provide context (e.g., autism or antisocial behavior). In response to your peers, provide your own perspective on their position, utilizing evidence from the course.A holistic approach is just as effective for accounting for atypical development. The first thing is recognizing a child with atypical development and placing them at the correct level.


PSY 632 PSY632 10-1 Discussion- Typical vs. Atypical Development.docx- Snhu

Throughout this course, we have explored different aspects of development, and research has presented a variety of influences in the form of biological, social, emotional, and cognitive domains. At the end of nearly every chapter reading, a holistic position began to emerge that acknowledges the contribution by each domain. In our final discussion, reflect on whether a holistic approach is just as effective for accounting for atypical development as it is for typical development. Utilize examples from the course to support your position, or consider using an issue of atypical development to provide context (e.g., autism or antisocial behavior). In response to your peers, provide your own perspective on their position, utilizing evidence from the course.A holistic approach is just as effective for accounting for atypical development. The first thing is recognizing a child with atypical development and placing them at the correct level.

PSY 632 PSY632 10-1 Discussion- Typical vs. Atypical Development.docx- Snhu

This semester and class have been fantastic. I wish everyone the best of success in the remainder of their studies!As with every field of psychology, I believe that present research in personality psychology has limits. When it comes to research, there will always be limits. Personality is an essential issue in psychology, according to Benet Martinez (2015), since it allows other psychological theories to combine. Because there are so many components that make up a person’s personality, even a minor variation in one of them can impact the research’s conclusion. Furthermore, most of the study on personality has focused on hypotheses developed by older theorists, which may be contentious and self-inflicted (Benet-Martinez, 2015). Another drawback is that personality psychology involves personal observations or subjective self-reports to assess since it requires individuals to be introspective enough to comprehend their behavior.

PSY 632 PSY632 10-1 Discussion- Typical vs. Atypical Development.docx- Snhu


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