
PSY215 PSY 215 discussion 2.docx- Snhu


PSY215 PSY 215 discussion 2.docx- Snhu

PTSD has shifted out of the anxiety disorders section and can now be found among adjustment disorders and stress-related disorders. This could be both good and bad depending on the context of the clinical anxiety. Homosexuality can not be “diagnosed” anymore because it is no longer in the DSM. What were the symptoms that followed their anxiety? The shift for PTSD came to distinguish trauma versus symptoms of dissociation or depression. How has the field of mental health changed as a result of the current concepts of homosexuality and PTSD? Because the LGBTQ community is coming out at a much younger age, this allows new areas for research to be done. Homosexuality is viewed more as a life choice these days than a mental illness. I donʻt think that homosexuality can be labeled by anyone specifically making this hard to classify it as a mental illness. We live in a society where it is accepted more now than it was in previous years for someone to identify as this part of this lifestyle.


PSY215 PSY 215 discussion 2.docx- Snhu

PTSD has shifted out of the anxiety disorders section and can now be found among adjustment disorders and stress-related disorders. This could be both good and bad depending on the context of the clinical anxiety. Homosexuality can not be “diagnosed” anymore because it is no longer in the DSM. What were the symptoms that followed their anxiety? The shift for PTSD came to distinguish trauma versus symptoms of dissociation or depression. How has the field of mental health changed as a result of the current concepts of homosexuality and PTSD? Because the LGBTQ community is coming out at a much younger age, this allows new areas for research to be done. Homosexuality is viewed more as a life choice these days than a mental illness. I donʻt think that homosexuality can be labeled by anyone specifically making this hard to classify it as a mental illness.

PSY215 PSY 215 discussion 2.docx- Snhu

We live in a society where it is accepted more now than it was in previous years for someone to identify as this part of this lifestyle. As I mentioned earlier, with the shift to stress-related disorders when it comes to PTSD, doctors have an easier time distinguishing whether or not it is trauma-related or the patient shows symptoms along the lines of depression, anxiety, or a related disorder. What is the impact on clinical practice because of these changes? PTSD would be harder to identify because of the change in disorder with the DSM. Clinically we have to identify the trauma or event that the individual is facing and then any negative emotions and or feelings that come with that. Alongside this, homosexuality can no longer be identified as a mental illness.

PSY215 PSY 215 discussion 2.docx- Snhu

We cannot assume one is of certain sexuality based on their sex at birth. How does the concept of research trends in the DSM apply to any of the following programmatic themes? You may want to review the Programmatic Themes document. Self-care – Social justice – EI – Career connections – Ethics We take a look at career connections and self-care; one could be judged on having either PTSD or their preference in sexuality as a homosexual. Both of these could be stress on the individual, but also negative repercussions on the individual as well as the place of employment. As a future counselor, I think it is important that any stigma around being homosexual is removed from our minds. We should accept ourselves and others as we are. Judging ourselves or others for who they love seems like a waste of energy in the long run. In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed the diagnosis of “homosexuality” from the second edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) homosexuality was removed, and it should stay out as a mental illness.

PSY215 PSY 215 discussion 2.docx- Snhu


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